
How to set up an Apple ID recovery key

Knowing how to set upwards an Apple tree ID recovery key volition help you add together actress security to your devices by keeping y'all aware of whatever unauthorized logins. The recovery key is a 28-character code that can be used as a two-factor authentication measure on any of your Apple tree devices to either reset your countersign or regain access to your business relationship.

Although it'southward not a requirement to have one set upwardly, it doesn't hurt to do so. And having an Apple ID recovery key on paw canhelp keep your account as prophylactic equally possible.

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It'due south important to notation that using a recovery key nevertheless relies on you lot keeping ahold of your devices. With that in mind, you should always keep your recovery key in a safe place, because if you lot lose access to your devices, you hazard existence permanently locked out of your account. Apple advises users to store copies of their recovery cardinal in more than one place or to pass it on to a trusted family member or friend instead.

If you lot've been wondering how to fix an Apple tree ID recovery key, no need to worry — we've got y'all covered. Below, nosotros'll guide you through the whole process on all the primal Apple products — iPhone, iPad and Mac devices. Please notation that some of the screenshot elements beneath take been blurred for privacy purposes.

Simply before nosotros leap in, do brand sure that you lot take an account set in the first place. Having trouble? Here'southward how to create an Apple ID.

How to fix an Apple ID recovery key on an iPhone or an iPad

1. First, launch the Settings app through the main menu.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on an iPhone or an iPad

(Paradigm credit: Apple)

ii. Tap on your proper name, it should be displayed at the top of your screen.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on an iPhone or an iPad

(Prototype credit: Apple tree)

3. Get alee and select the 'Password & Security' pick as shown beneath.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on an iPhone or an iPad

(Image credit: Apple)

4. Curl down to the 'Recovery Key' choice and select 'off' to continue.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on an iPhone or an iPad

(Image credit: Apple)

5. Next, toggle the round icon to start setting up your recovery key.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on an iPhone or an iPad

(Image credit: Apple tree)

6. Go ahead and confirm your pick by tapping on 'Use Recovery Primal' in the pop-up window.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on an iPhone or an iPad

(Image credit: Apple)

7. If you take a passcode setup on your iPhone/iPad, go ahead and enter it to proceed. Otherwise, skip and jump to step 8.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on an iPhone or an iPad

(Image credit: Apple)

8. You should now be able to view your 28-graphic symbol Apple ID recovery fundamental. Take your time and write it down/save it in a safe space. Once y'all've done that, go ahead and tap on 'Keep' to proceed.

Your telephone/tablet should now enquire you to enter your recovery key to finalize the process. And that's information technology, congrats on setting upwardly your Apple ID recovery key!

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on an iPhone or an iPad

(Prototype credit: Apple tree)

How to fix an Apple ID recovery primal on a Mac

i. Locate the taskbar and click on the Apple icon and select  'System Preferences' option in the dropdown menu to go on.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on a Mac

(Image credit: Apple)

2. Click on the Apple ID icon in guild to launch a new carte.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on a Mac

(Image credit: Apple tree)

3. Go alee and select 'Password & Security' in the side card.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on a Mac

(Prototype credit: Apple tree)

4. In the 'Recovery key' section, click on 'Plow on' to showtime setting upwards your recovery key.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on a Mac

(Image credit: Apple)

5. Confirm your choice by clicking on 'Use recovery key' to proceed.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on a Mac

(Image credit: Apple)

6. If you lot're using a password on your Mac device, go ahead and enter it, then click on 'Let' to move onto the next stride.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on a Mac

(Image credit: Apple)

seven. You lot should now be able view your 28-character recovery key. Take your time and write information technology downward/save information technology in a safe space. Once you've done that, go ahead and click on 'Continue' to go along.

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on a Mac

(Paradigm credit: Apple)

8. Your Mac device should now enquire y'all to enter your recovery primal. Once you've done that, go ahead and click on 'Done' to finalize the process.

And that'due south it, congrats on setting upwardly your Apple ID recovery key!

How to set up an Apple ID recovery key on a Mac

(Image credit: Apple tree)
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