
HQ: a Viral Trivia Sensation with Slim Chances of Winning

HQ Trivia

You may take noticed some of your friends or coworkers pulling out their phones twice a day like clockwork and tune into a sometimes-funny alive stream. Information technology's non the world's near famous YouTube Channel, Snapchat or Instagram story. Information technology'southward HQ, thetrivia game that's all the rage right now.

And it'due south catapulted the success of QuizUp from a few years ago to become the go-to quiz game on iOS and Android. Only this calendar month, HQ hit a 1000000 users. And that's not just million people downloading the app, but a million people tuning in to play the twice-a-day quiz.

Merely our question is: why exactly are people playing a game, where your chances of winning are so slim? Especially, given the bugs affecting alive-play, it's more than often than not simply a waste material of time!

What is HQ?

Only to give y'all a quick background, HQ debuted on iOS in the last quarter of 2017 and became an overnight sensation. Soon after it made its style to Android just in fourth dimension for New year's Eve and 2018. The concept is simple: Two live trivia contests are held daily with a live host asking questions and receiving answers from people across the globe. Go all the questions right, and yous win the cash prize on offer.

Every bit you tune in to the live stream, y'all'll exist asked 12 questions, starting with the easy ones. Naturally, they get harder progressively, and if you manage to get all correct, you'll share the cash prize with others who managed to brand information technology through the terminate as well. Sounds simple, isn't information technology? Well, non actually when you have a one thousand thousand other players trying out their luck at the same time.

Why is information technology such a big deal?

Then what makes this game then special that people are gear up to drib what they're doing to frustratingly attempting to win?

The thought of opening the app and getting a quick game is quite appealing, to begin with. This short game fourth dimension is another USP, which means it'southward a real quick win-or-lose situation, with nothing at stake for the thespian.

Fifty-fifty if you make it through the entire game, it'll hardly take about one-half an hour. That's less than the time needed to go through a TV episode. And then lastly, there's cash prize. I mean who doesn't want some cash?

So Information technology'southward All Almost the Money?

To be very honest, I am hooked on to this game and and so were hundreds of thousands of others who were playing with me this very morn. Even if I couldn't go far through all the twelve questions, I sabbatum through the unabridged game just to see the kind of questions existence asked, and likewise to gain some knowledge on what'southward happening around me.

That'south exactly the affair that's bothering me. If the winners at the end of the game number in double-digits, why exactly are millions tuning in? Well, it really differs from person-to-person.

Some say HQ represents the time to come of interactive gaming, alive streaming and broadcast quiz prove all rolled into one. But for others like me, it'south just the competitive nature of the game. It'due south non well-nigh the cash. Not like I am going to make a living out of this. At this point, I need to beat out information technology somehow.

And I suspect many thousands of others also only melody in to see how far they can go, fully knowing they have a very tiny chance of really winning. Playing HQ is like picking lottery numbers for the smartphone generation, with no coin paid up-front end. Is information technology any wonder that it's alluring people past the millions?

But my colleague, on the other hand, is impressed with the format of the game. And then at that place's Scott 'Quiz Daddy' Rogowsky, the host who brings the game to life. I mean, imagine HQ without a host. Not that it'south impossible, but information technology would have been a wishy-washy experience, peculiarly as the hosts keep you going with their barrack. In that location'due south a clear connection to stand up-up comedy in the style Rogowsky and others host the daily quizzes. The funny scripts, the funnier video interjects, and chat messages flying from effectually the globe make the game a lot more enjoyable.

Some other great thing is that the questions are not easily 'Googleable,' though in that location are hacks to get around this – but that's just no fun. The questions test your broader noesis, as well as your penchant for social media trends and memes. HQ is frequently like a compendium of the Internet pop-culture.

HQ Trivia ScreenshotThe time to come of HQ Trivia

Now that HQ is off to a great commencement, I am quite excited to run into what's in shop for us in the hereafter. HQ as a company already garnered some serious investor and media attention. Recently, the company was besides profiled by New York Times, and there have been plenty of VCs who want to enter a into a bargain with HQ.

But what happens when they run out of money? Information technology may likewise early to talk about this – after all the visitor raised around $8 million recently, and are currently pitching to investors with a valuation of around $fourscore-100 meg. But information technology'south worth noting that for now the game is financed entirely by this investment, and it's ad-free. It is being speculated that the company is exploring an advertising model of some sort as well.

Although I don't desire random adverts ruining my game experience, information technology's not exactly such a bad idea, especially if advertising-funded quizzes tin rope in more prize-money. There are rumors that HQ is looking to host a game with a $one million jackpot in 2018. On the outset day of this twelvemonth, the prize money was $18,000, so there's scope for mega lottery days coinciding with ad campaigns. Without advertizing revenue, offering attractive prize coin regularly seems similar a dumb idea; they'll frazzle the track in no fourth dimension.

It all comes downwards how foundersRus Yusupov and co-founder Colin Kroll grab the incoming opportunity and take HQ forward. This is the same duo that founded Vine, a short-form video hosting service. The thing nigh Vine becoming a brusk-grade video sensation is that it happened virtually accidentally. Within weeks after its launch, the app unexpectedly started generating more than memes and cultural moments than near apps with twice as many users.

Millions Are Hooked on to HQ Trivia, so Is It the Future of Live Entertainment?In short, Vine's founders undermined the platform'southward potential and concluded up getting caused by Twitter for $xxx million. And Twitter, on the other hand, failed to utilize the platform which led to both advertisers and Viners themselves jumping to other platforms like YouTube.

For every successful app, there are ii phases. One is to concenter users, and adjacent is to retain them over fourth dimension. At present that HQ has already attracted over million users to its game bear witness; it remains to be seen how they push their boundaries and make their users melody in for the next game every day.

So let u.s. know your thoughts on this? Have y'all jumped on the HQ hype train and tested your wits in this live trivia game yet? Do permit united states know by dropping a comment down below.


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