
How To Clean Install Windows From Usb

Windows 11 is hither and the launch of a new operating arrangement brings with information technology the opportunity to start afresh. This footstep-by-step guide will help you on your manner to a clean of install of Microsoft'south flagship operating system, but first, a few oft asked questions:

Why make clean install?

There's a temptation to carry out an in-place upgrade, yet such a procedure is not without risk. And let'due south face information technology, aught quite beats the feeling of a make clean Windows xi install. Say good day to all the clutter, derelict apps, and iffy downloads, and say hello to a shiny-looking desktop.

Do I demand to backup my data?

A clean install will effectively wipe your PC, and so exist certain to backup local data. This includes documents, photos and passwords you wish to keep. Be mindful a clean installation leaves no opportunity to rollback. Should you lot require such an pick, consider creating a backup image of your entire PC.

This PC meets Windows 11 requirements

Is my PC compatible with Windows eleven?

Microsoft'south stringent requirements for Windows 11 have received plenty of scrutiny. The best way to cheque if your PC meets the criteria is to run the official PC Wellness Cheque App. PCs failing to meet the minimum requirements tin unofficially exist upgraded. To avoid any complications, such workarounds are not recommended and will not be covered past this guide.

Is Windows eleven ready for the prime time?

The days of impenetrable operating systems are seemingly backside usa. It has become common practise to receive bug fixes, patches and course corrections after the initial release. The same is truthful of Windows 11 – Microsoft is already scrambling to resolve performance limitations with AMD Ryzen processors – yet on the whole, the software feels relatively stable. We've spent the past few days upgrading our various test platforms with minimal fuss, but unless you lot're an enthusiast eager to attempt a new toy, there'south no harm in waiting for the Os to mature before taking the plunge.

What tools practise I need?

Not a lot, really. Just a USB stick with at least 8GB of space, and of class a PC on which to carry out the installation.

How much does it cost?

Windows 11 is a complimentary upgrade from Windows 10. If your PC currently runs a licensed version of Windows x, Windows 11 will activate automatically after installation. Please note this applies to like-for-like installations, and so Windows ten Domicile users tin can upgrade free of charge to Windows eleven Home, just not to Windows eleven Pro.

Preamble out the manner, let's get to it.

Pace 1 – Create a USB installation stick

Head to the official Windows 11 Download Page and download the free Media Creation Tool (directly link). In one case downloaded, run the file MediaCreationToolW11.exe and follow the on-screen wizard as follows:

Accept the licence terms (credit to those who read the whole lot!), then choose the applicable language and Windows edition.

Select 'USB wink drive' as your media of option, and and so select your preferred USB bulldoze from the list. Take a moment to double-check the option; all content on said drive will be deleted.

Microsoft's Media Cosmos Tool will then proceed to download Windows 11 to the USB drive in training for step two. This process can take a while, so at present is equally expert a time every bit any to put the kettle on.

Step two – Kicking your PC from the USB installation stick

USB flash drive ready? Cup of tea to hand? Great, now allow's go ahead and boot from the bulldoze. Turn on the PC on which you want to make clean install Windows 11 and enter the boot device selection menu. This can exist achieved past pressing the relevant central during the boot sequence – F10/F12/Esc – or alternatively enter arrangement BIOS and manually select the boot device.

Upon boot, the installation wizard will now brainstorm with a ready of regional preferences. Choose the correct language and input method, and so Install now.

Practise not exist alarmed by the Activate Windows prompt. Every bit stated earlier, a PC running a licensed version of Windows 10 is eligible for a complimentary upgrade to Windows 11. Select 'I don't take a product cardinal' and the software volition automatically activate upon connection to the web.

On the next step think to choose the relevant version of the operating organisation you want to install. For Windows 10 Home users, that's Windows eleven Abode.

Take the Microsoft Software License Terms and when asked which type of installation you want, select 'Custom: Install Windows just (advanced)' to let for a clean install.

Lastly, choose the bulldoze on which you lot to want to clean install Windows 11. Users seeking a total format tin can choose to delete whatsoever existing partitions but remember to brand sure you lot've backed upwardly whatsoever important data as in that location's no going back. Once you are prepare to proceed, click Next and the installation wizard will automatically create the required partitions, install Windows eleven and restart your PC.

Stride iii – Configure Windows 11

Well done, you're almost there! Upon restart y'all volition be facing a snazzy-looking Windows 11 configuration magician. This concluding phase of your journey should exist cocky-explanatory, though practice note that Windows 11 will by default inquire y'all to sign in with a Microsoft Account. To enable a local business relationship simply disconnect from the Internet during the setup process.

Windows 11 region selection

Give yourself a pat on the back, you've successfully managed to clean install Windows eleven.


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